Q & A

What is the experiment about?

The primate experiment is a user-controlled blockchain test intended to observe consumer behavioral patterns, analyze activity flow and generate unique variant outcomes based on live data.

How can i get a rare ape?

Final monkey rarity will be determined by each users on-chain decision-making. You can review specifics on what decreases and incrceases rarity potential in the rules section. In the general sense, your best way to ensure you are at the top of the rarity pool is to list your monkeys high, and list them long periods of time!

What will the expermient results achieve?

Once we have completed our final reveal, we will have accumulated enough raw data regarding on-chain user habits to create our next experiment. This new development will be airdropped to each TFE holder for no additional cost. Drop dates will vary per user and will be deteminded in Stage 5 of this experiment.